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Best Ways On How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face That Works

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Summer is a joyous holiday season, but no one enjoys the scorching heat.How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face

Sun exposure causes skin disorders such as dark patches and hyperpigmentation in addition to tanning. UV radiation depletes the skin’s moisture content, making it appear pale and drab.

Do you avoid going outside in the summer because you’re afraid of getting sunburned? Then don’t be concerned! Everything in Ayurveda has an answer, and tanning is no exception.

How can you get rid of a tan the natural way?
Turmeric, saffron, sugar, and nut-based oils are said to be great skin tanning remedies in ancient Ayurvedic writings. In this post, we’ll go over several simple tan removal home remedies that you can apply to get rid of the tan on your skin.

Whether you’ve gotten a tan from walking around the city or relaxing for days at a beach resort, these natural home cures can help you get rid of your tan.

They may be used to erase sun tan from any part of your body, including your neck, feet, arms, and hands.

Best Ways On How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face That Works


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How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face
How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face

1. Lemon Juice And Honey To Remove Tan honey for at-home tan removal How to use –

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice and mix it with some honey. Apply the mixture to your skin and leave it on for 30 minutes before removing with a gentle cleaner.

To make a scrub, combine the lemon juice with some sugar. This will slough off dead cells from the surface as well as remove tan.

Why does it work?

Lemon juice has a bleaching effect that aids in the removal of tan. It has a lot of Vitamin C, which is an excellent tan remover. Lemon’s citric acid aids in the treatment of acne and the fading of scars.

Advice –

If you have an oily face, don’t leave the honey on your skin for too long. You can even apply lemon directly on your skin without using honey.

2. Natural De Tan Treatment With Coconut Milk

Dab a cotton ball soaked in fresh, organic coconut milk all over your face. Leave it on until it’s totally absorbed into the skin or dries. Use a gentle cleanser to remove it.

Why does it work?

Coconut milk is extremely moisturizing and nourishing to the skin. It aids in the restoration of moisture that has been lost. The vitamin C and mild acids in it aid in the elimination of tans at home.

Advice –

You can employ de-tanning treatments with coconut milk as a basis in addition to applying coconut milk. Jwalini Retexturizing Skin Treatment Oil by Kama Ayurveda is one such treatment. This oil therapy is produced from natural herbs processed in pure Coconut milk and Sesame oil, and is prescribed in Ayurveda as a treatment for smooth, soft, and clear skin.

3. Oatmeal And Buttermilk For Tan RemovalBuy Now 3. Oatmeal And Buttermilk For Tan

2 tablespoons oats or oatmeal, soaked in half a cup of water for 5 minutes Mix in a couple of teaspoons of fresh, simple buttermilk. You may also add honey to the pack to make it more hydrating. Mix these ingredients thoroughly to make a paste, then apply to your face, neck, arms, and other tanning-affected regions.

Allow for 20 minutes of rubbing in a circular motion. To reveal fresher, brighter-looking skin, wash it off.

Why does it work?

Oatmeal is a great exfoliator and cleanser for the skin. Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which helps to eliminate tan, soften skin, and even out skin tone.

Advice –

The traditional Ayurvedic recipe for Ubtan includes oatmeal as a vital ingredient. Ubtan is a powdered mix of Ayurvedic herbs and natural components from Kama Ayurveda. It can be used to eliminate tan from the body without the use of washing.


The home remedies listed above can be used to remove tan from any part of the body. However, if you want to get rid of a tan on your face, the home cures and de tan treatments listed below will help.

How Do You Get Rid Of A Tan On Your Face?
Saffron, Sandalwood, Turmeric, and Multani Mitti are some of the most effective ingredients for removing sun tan off the face. Here are some ideas for how you can utilize them to achieve bright skin.

4. Massage with Nalpamaradi Thailam Ayurvedic De Tanning Oil

Pour some oil on your palm after cleansing your face and body. Begin by massaging your face in a circular motion until it is completely absorbed. Then, using quick upward and downward strokes, gently massage the oil all over your body until it is completely absorbed.

Why does it work?

One of the main constituents in the oil is the sacred Peepal tree’s leaves and bark. The bark of a Peepal tree is a good option for reducing skin tan since it is high in vitamin K. It not only strengthens blood capillaries and reduces skin irritation, but it also improves skin resilience, allowing bruises to heal faster.

Nalpamaradi Thailam, also known as a natural skin illuminator in Ayurveda, is a miraculous oil that lightens the complexion and removes tan without harming the skin. This makes it one of the best natural skin care treatments for brides. If tanning is a serious skin issue for you, start having frequent massages with this oil a year before the wedding.

To get rid of a tan, use a detanning oil.

Now you may read about how to use Nalpamaradi Thailam to get rid of tan.

How Do You Get Rid Of A Tan On Your Face?
Saffron, Sandalwood, Turmeric, and Multani Mitti are some of the most effective ingredients for removing sun tan off the face. Here are some ideas for how you can utilize them to achieve bright skin.

5. Remove Tan From Face With Saffron and Milk How to Use –

Soak a few saffron strands in milk for a while. Apply the milk to the regions that are afflicted. Saffron can be soaked in cream instead of milk to give the skin additional hydration.

Why does it work?

In Indian households, saffron (Kesar) is a traditional beauty component. Saffron is a natural technique to achieve radiant skin. It’s also used to improve skin texture and lighten darker skin, as well as cure pigmentation, dark circles, pimples, and acne.

Advice –

Saffron is a crucial ingredient in Kumkumadi Oil, an Ayurvedic recipe. The oil is used to brighten the skin and get rid of tan. Kumkumadi oil serum or Kumkumadi scrub are both options. This is an excellent approach to get rid of tan rapidly because you can observe benefits after just seven nights of consistent use.

To get rid of a tan on your face, try kumkumadi tailam.
More information about Kumkumadi Tailam can be found here.

6. Face Tan Removal with Sandalwood and Turmeric

Sandalwood powder can be combined with milk or coconut water and used as a pack on the skin. To make the pack more successful at removing tan, add some turmeric to it.

How it works is as follows:

Sandalwood contains calming and cooling effects that can help soothe sun-damaged skin. The therapeutic effects of turmeric and the exfoliating characteristics of milk work well together to erase tan.

Advice –

To get rid of tan, apply Kama Ayurveda’s Suvarna Haldi Chandan Face Pack. It contains genuine sandalwood and turmeric, as well as other skin-brightening Ayurvedic herbs including Multani Mitti, which aid in the appearance of a natural glow.

Sun tan turmeric 7. Multani Mitti And Rose Water De Tan Face Pack How to use –

Make a smooth paste using Multani Mitti and rose water. Pure rose water can be used for a more relaxing effect. Apply a thin coating of paste to the affected regions and let it to dry. Remove with water or a gentle cleaner.

Why does it work?

Fuller’s Earth (also known as Multani Mitti) relieves and cools sunburns. It also helps to eliminate tan and gives your skin a healthy glow.

Advice –

Multani Mitti can also be enhanced by the inclusion of sandalwood, turmeric, tomato juice, lime juice, milk, and honey in addition to rose water. Multani Mitti is blended with additional skin brightening Ayurvedic substances in Kama Ayurveda’s Suvarna Haldi Chandan Brightening Face Pack.

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More information on Multani Mitti Face Packs may be found here.

8. Almond Scrub for Tan Removal

Application Instructions –

By grinding almonds with rose water, you can make an almond paste. On the afflicted regions, use it as a tan removal scrub. To boost the effectiveness of the paste made by crushing almonds with rose water, squeeze some lemon into it.

How it works is as follows:

Almonds are high in Vitamin E, which nourishes the skin and helps it repair from sun damage. Almonds have bleaching qualities, which aid in the removal of tan.

Advice –

To get rid of tan, you can also use natural washes containing almonds. Kumkumadi Brightening Ayurvedic Face Scrub from Kama Ayurveda contains finely powdered Sweet Almonds, which are high in Vitamins E and D. They hydrate and nourish while also removing toxins and impurities for a radiant complexion.

scrub to get rid of tan

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How to Get Tan Off Your Hands
Apart from our faces, our hands are the most tanned portion of our body. You expose your hands and arms to the sun when you wear tank tops outside. These tan removal home cures for hands and arms could come in handy if you spend a lot of time outside. They can also be used to get rid of tan on your feet and legs.

Cucumber To Get Rid Of Sun Tan On Arms
Application Instructions –

To get the juice from a cucumber, shred it and squeeze it. Apply the juice to your skin using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry before washing.

Why does it work?

Cucumber is excellent for tanned or sunburned skin. Cucumber is a cooling vegetable that aids in the removal of tan.

Advice –

Cucumber juice can also be enhanced by adding a few drops of lemon juice.

9. To Remove Tan From Hands, Use Lemon And Sugar

Combine equal parts lemon juice and sugar granules to make a lemon and sugar scrub. This scrub can be stored in a jar and kept refrigerated for later use. This scrub can be used every other day to get rid of tan.

Why does it work?

Sugar is an excellent exfoliator, sloughing away worn out and black skin cells that have accumulated on the skin. Lemon contains Vitamin C and citric acid, which aids in the removal of tan from the skin.


Best Ways On How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face That Works
Best Ways On How To Get Rid Of A Tan On Face That Works

This Pineapple Water Will Detoxify Your Body, Help You Lose Weight, And Reduce Joint Swelling And Pain!



Try this odd “carb trick” that burns up to 1 pound per day

If you’re like most women trying to lose weight… you diet, you count calories, you tear up the treadmill, and…nothing.

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If you’re a woman over the age of 25 who wants to reclaim her life inside the body she DESERVES, you should check it out for yourself.